Top 10 Home Remedies For Stop Nose Bleeding

Summers are back and problem of nose bleeding increased many fold. Usually nose bleeding is not harmful if it is cure as soon as possible without any delay but rarely also indicate serious medical problem. But before going to share home remedies to stop nose bleeding at home with natural remedies, you must be aware of what cause nose bleeding and some common symptoms.

The major causes of nose bleeds are excessive sneezing due to severe cold and flu, dry winter air, sudden injury or accident, allergy, respiratory problems, etc. There are many tiny blood vessels filled in the nose which is the most sensitive part in the body. When these blood vessels are disturbed, the blood flows out from the nose.
1. Orange Juice:
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Medical research has revealed the fact that people who consume plenty of vitamin C rich drinks like orange juice are less likely to suffer from nose bleeds. Consuming vitamin C rich drinks regularly can prevent capillary fragility. This in turn can reduce the incidence of nose bleeds. Vitamin C rich drinks can boost the production of collagen. Improving collagen levels can keep the delicate nasal membranes well moist. People who suffer from recurrent nose bleeds are advised to drink one to two glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice twice every day for several months.
2. Ice Pack:
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This is the most popular home remedy to stop bleeding from the nose. Placing an ice pack on the bridge of the nose for a couple of minutes can help to shrink the delicate blood capillaries inside the nasal cavity. This in turn can reduce the intensity of the nose bleed. Place five to ten ice cubes inside a clean handkerchief. Tie the loose ends of the handkerchief with a length of twine. Now place the improvised ice pack on the nose. Allow the cold from the ice bag to permeate the blood vessels inside the nasal cavity for five to ten minutes. The nose bleed will stop instantly.
3. Eat Spinach:
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Doctors often recommend eating foods rich in vitamin K, like spinach, to control frequent nose bleeds. Vitamin K is also known as the coagulation vitamin. A prolonged deficiency of vitamin K can lead to severe nose bleeds. To reverse nose bleeds due to vitamin K deficiency include green leafy vegetables like spinach. Eating a salad prepared from raw spinach leaves or consuming a nutrient packed spinach juice is a wonderful natural way to stop recurrent nose bleeds.
4. Cayenne Pepper:
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Reach out for some spicy cayenne pepper to stop nose bleeds. Cayenne pepper is an extremely safe, natural remedy to stop nose bleeds. Cayenne pepper can curtail nose bleeds which are either triggered by excessive dry weather condition or even blunt trauma to the nose. Cayenne pepper helps to thicken blood. Thickening the blood is a sure shot way to stop nose bleeds. Additionally, cayenne pepper is a bio-flavonoid which helps to maintain vitamin C levels in the body for a longer duration of time. Vitamin C, helps to strengthen blood capillaries, and to prevent nose bleeds.
To prepare this home remedy dissolve half a teaspoon of organic cayenne pepper in a tall glass of lime juice. Stir the liquid vigorously to ensure that the cayenne pepper has dissolved completely. Consume this spicy drink at one go to stop nose bleeds. People who suffer from recurrent nose bleeds are advised to have this spicy drink once a day for a couple of weeks to stop the incidence of embarrassing nose bleeds.
5. Lemon Juice:
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Lemon juice is yet another highly effective natural remedy to control bleeding from the nose. The high acidity content of lemon juice can halt nasal bleeding almost instantly. Furthermore, the high vitamin C content of lemon juice can strengthen the delicate blood capillaries inside the nasal cavity. For this particular home remedy, use a sterilized ink filler to draw out to two to three drops of freshly extracted lemon juice. Tip your head back and pour one to two drops of lemon juice in each nostril. Wait for a couple of minutes. The nose bleed will stop miraculously.
6. Drink Water:
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Keep your body hydrated by drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. This helps in keeping the mucous membranes of your nasal passages moist, avoiding nose bleeds.
7. Apple Cider Vinegar:
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Apple cider vinegar is a wonderful panacea for all kinds of ailments. Coating the inner surface of the nostrils with organic apple cider vinegar is an amazingly safe and effective natural remedy to stop bleeding from the nose. To prepare this particular home remedy, you need to soak a cotton ball in a bowl containing approximately two to three tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar. Once the cotton ball has soaked up most of the vinegar, place the cotton ball just inside the nostril for five to seven minutes. The high acid content of apple cider vinegar can seal off blood vessels and halt bleeding.
8. Onions:
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Onions are another simple and effective home remedy for nose bleeding. Onion acts as an blood clotting agent and helps to relieve from the inflammation in the blood vessels. smelling freshly cut onion can stop the bleeding instantly because onions contain sulfur which acts as an blood thickening agent. Hence, cut a freshly sliced onion and put it under the nostrils and inhale the fumes of it which helps in stopping the blood flow from the nose.
9. Coriander Leaves:
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Coriander leaves are considered as an excellent treatment for nose bleeds in Ayurveda. It has the cooling and soothing effect on the nostrils which flushes off the allergies associated with the nose bleeding. Just put few drops of coriander oil or coriander juice in the nose to stop the nose bleeds. Alternatively prepare a paste of coriander leaves and apply it on the forehead for immediate results.
10. Basil Leaves:
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Holy basil leaves have an effective properties in treating several health problems in Ayurveda. It helps in soothing the nerves of the one whose nose bleeds. Chew few fresh basil leaves to get rid of the bleeding from the nose. Alternatively, put few drops of basil leaves juice in the bleeding nostril to stop bleeding immediately.
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