With so many styles to choose from, there is a lot you can do with your hair these days. The one thing you need of course is healthy hair!
Hair fall or hair loss is one of the most common hair problems today. While earlier hair fall was mainly associated with one’s age, it is common amongst most age groups now.
How Much Hair Fall is Normal?
Unlike what you think, hair fall is actually quite a normal phenomenon, where you lose up to 50 to 100 strands of hair each day. It is when start to lose more that you need to worry.
Hair fall, when it happens in its natural course, is backed by hair growth. But if the rate of hair loss exceeds the frequency of natural hair regrowth, it is a cause of concern. If you are losing hair in tufts and are unable to maintain volume, you should immediately consult a trichologist.Hair fall can lead to baldness, technically known as alopecia. It is characterized by the loss of hair from the head and body. With the latest advancements in technology, hair fall can be controlled and reversed to a great extent. In fact, there exists certain traditional hair growth home remedies that work in combating this problem.
Causes of Hair Fall:
For the proper diagnosis and treatment of hair fall, it is necessary to identify the causes. Hair fall is experienced by different people due to different causes. Some of the common causes of hair fallare given below.
1. Stress:
Stress is a common problem these days faced by almost everyone. It can lead to several health problems ranging from a minor illness to life threatening medical conditions. Studies have indicated that high level of stress is responsible for causing hair fall in most people.
2. Hereditary Causes:
Hair fall that happens due to hereditary reasons is also known as androgenetic alopecia. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, it is the most common cause of hair fall. This gene can be inherited from either of your parents’ side of the family. You are more likely to suffer from hair fall if both your parents have suffered from it too.
3. Hormonal Imbalance:
Hormonal imbalances caused due to menopause, pregnancy and malfunctioning thyroid glands are also responsible for causing hair fall.
4. Unhealthy Food:
Junk food is considered unhealthy because it hardly provides your body any nutrients and makes it vulnerable to health conditions. Eating junk food can lead to nutritional deficiencies which can cause hair fall and baldness. People with eating disorders are also likely to suffer from excessive hair loss.
5. Harsh Chemical Treatments:
Harsh chemical treatments offered by salons, such as straightening and curling, can weaken your hair follicles when done frequently. This contributes to more hair fall. Blow drying your hair on a regular basis also contributes a lot to hair fall.
6. Psoriasis:
Dandruff is a common problem these days which can be easily treated. But if neglected, it can start turning into thick scaly patches, known as psoriasis. This long term skin problem is caused when the skin cells grow rapidly, leading to thick, white, silvery or red patches of skin.
7. Protein Deficiency:
Our hair is made up of a protein called keratin. Deficiency of this protein in your diet can weaken your hair. This results in dry and brittle hair that breaks easily. This can also be a symptom of thyroid, so consult your doctor.
8. Iron Deficiency or Anaemia:
Anaemia is a common problem observed in women who do not have enough iron rich food. It is caused when the blood does not have enough red blood cells. These cells transport oxygen throughout your body, providing you the energy that you need. Anaemia is a major cause of hair loss as hair follicles also require adequate supply of blood for their growth and maintenance.
Hair Loss Solutions that Actually Work:
Hair fall at an alarming rate is a serious problem which can worsen if left untreated. Hence, it is important to identify the root cause of this problem and address it accordingly. Some of the hair loss solutions that work for combating hair fall are given below.
1. Balanced Diet:
2. Hot Oil Treatment:
Hair Loss Home Remedies that Work:
3. Coconut:
4. Amla (Indian Gooseberry):
Amla is the perfect ingredient to combat hair loss, thanks to its high content of vitamin C and antioxidants. Consuming it on a regular basis can be quite helpful in strengthening your hair follicles. It can also be applied topically in the form of juice or amla powder available at herbal stores.
5. Onion and Garlic:
Sulphur stimulates the production of collagen. This, in turn, helps the hair to grow. Being a rich source of sulphur, onion and garlic have been used in traditional medicines for promoting regrowth of hair.
6. Egg:
Eggs are a rich source of sulphur. In addition, they are also a great source of proteins and minerals like selenium, iodine, phosphorus, iron and zinc. Thus, it is an excellent promoter of hair regrowth especially when combined with other similar ingredients like olive oil.
7. Henna:
Since ancient times, henna has been used as a natural hair colour and conditioner, especially in India. It also plays an important role in strengthening your hair. To enhance its effectiveness you can mix it with mustard oil before applying.
8. Curry Leaves:
Curry leaves can be used to make an effective hair tonic.
9. Hibiscus:
Hibiscus, when combined with coconut oil can provide you with thick healthy hair. This is because it has rejuvenating properties which nourish the hair, prevent premature greying and also help in curing dandruff. Regular use of these flowers can help in preventing hair fall too. This is one of the best natural hair loss remedies that work.
10. Coriander:
Coriander can also be beneficial for hair growth.
11. Green Tea:
Green tea is rich in antioxidants which not only prevent hair fall but also support the growth of hair.
12. Keep your Scalp Clean:
A dirty scalp is always prone to infections. Make it a point to regularly shampoo and condition your scalp with reliable products. Keeping your hair clean will prevent dandruff problems. It will also keep itching and hair lice at bay which are among the main causes of hair fall.
13. Follow a Healthy Lifestyle:
An unhealthy lifestyle is also one of the causes of hair fall. So it is important to incorporate a few changes to make it conducive for healthy hair growth.
By following the above natural hair growth remedies, you will definitely experience noticeable results. However, if none of these remedies are working, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist before the condition worsens. Certain medical treatments are also available, such as hair transplant, hair restoration, stem cell treatment and hair extensions. You can go for these procedures but only after proper consultation with your dermatologist.
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